ES&E Focus

Why send data to the cloud?

Written by ES&E Poster | Dec 26, 2023 4:15:00 PM

Data Processing in the Cloud


Given that edge devices already perform data analysis and decision-making locally, a question arises: why send data to the cloud?


While edge computing is designed to perform processing at the edge, there are situations where transmitting data to the cloud can still be advantageous:


  1. Advanced analytics: Edge devices may handle fundamental or intermediate-level data analysis, but the cloud offers greater computing power and resources for complex analytics. More sophisticated algorithms and models can be applied by transmitting selected data or aggregated insights to the cloud, enabling deeper analysis and generating comprehensive insights.

  2. Historical data and trends: The cloud provides ample storage capacity, making it suitable for long-term historical data storage. Storing data in the cloud allows for comparative analysis over time, unveiling trends, patterns, and correlations that may not be apparent at the edge level. Cloud-based analytics can leverage a larger dataset to derive more accurate predictions and actionable insights.

  3. Centralized management and collaboration: The cloud serves as a centralized platform for managing and coordinating multiple edge devices. It enables centralized control, configuration, and monitoring of edge devices, ensuring consistency and coordination across the network. Moreover, the cloud promotes collaboration among edge devices, enabling them to exchange information and insights, facilitating collective decision-making.

  4. Machine learning and AI model training: Training complex machine learning or AI models often requires substantial computing resources and large datasets. The cloud provides the scalability and computational power needed to train and refine models using vast amounts of data. Once the models are trained, they can be deployed back to the edge devices for real-time inference and decision-making.

Even though edge computing takes center stage, it is important to recognize that the cloud still holds its ground in certain aspects. 


As we navigate this dynamic landscape, the fusion of edge computing and the cloud paves the way for a new era of computing possibilities. By harnessing the power of edge computing and the vast resources of the cloud, we unlock a realm of innovation and efficiency that propels industries forward and enhances the way we interact with technology. The journey continues, with endless opportunities to leverage these forces and reshape the boundaries of what is possible in the digital age.


Check out our related blog post about Edge Computing. 


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