
Demonstration Using the Micro800 Simulator - Part 5

In part 5 of the CCQ Micro800 series, Eric Hanley, Automation Specialist at ES&E, provides a demo using the Micro800 simulator and the different features the simulator offers, such as testing external devices.

This video covers online monitoring and a demonstration using the Micro800 simulator. Online monitoring is crucial for debugging and maintenance diagnostics. The color scheme for CCW can be edited, with a false instruction being blue and a true instruction being red. The video also explains how to add a preset to a variable timer and how to use the simulator to test logic. The simulator can run for 10 minutes in the standard edition and 24 hours in the developer edition. It can also interface with external programs and can be used to test external devices. However, it is not a replacement for a controller as it is slower, less reliable, and not deterministic. It is not recommended for actual control or production environments.