Drive Programming

How do I export a VFD Drive File in CCW?

This article describes the process of how to export a CCW Drive File (.iuux) so that it can be stored or shared.

Export a drive, safety, or motor-control device configuration file

You can export the drive, safety, or motor control device configuration and save it as a file on your computer. Exported files can be imported into another identical device or a new device in your Connected Components Workbench™ projects. Supported export file types include:

  • CCW device files (*.iuux)
  • PowerFlex 520-Series drive USB files (*.pf5) (can be downloaded to a PowerFlex 520-Series drive using the on-board USB application)

To export a configuration file

  1. On the Device Definition window, click "Export"
  2. From the Save As dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the configuration file.
  3. Type the file name in the File name box.
  4. If necessary, select the file type in the Save as type box. (typically .iuux)
  5. Click "Save"
  6. In the Export - Completed dialog box, click "Finish"