Watch an Overview of IO-Link

Eric Hanley, an Automation Specialist with ES&E, covers IO-Link and Rockwell Automation's IO-link Masters.

The video is a tutorial about IO-Link and Rockwell's IO-Link Masters, presented by Eric Hanley, an automation specialist with ES&E. IO-Link is a bi-directional, point-to-point communication protocol used primarily to communicate with sensors and actuators in an automation system. It uses a standard 3-wire cable that is no more than 20 meters long and transmits at three potential rates. The IO-Link Masters can process all three rates and can also process digital signals and analog values. The IO-Link Master establishes the connection between the IO-Link and device and the Ethernet IP automation system.

If a transmission error occurs, the IO-Link Master signals the communication failure to the high-level controller. IO-Link devices have four types of transmission: process data, value status, device data, and events. Rockwell offers two options for IO-Link Masters: the Point I/O card and the Armor Block remote I/O block. The Armor Block can handle up to eight IO-Link devices and also has IO-Link hubs for easy and cost-effective expansion of I/O. Rockwell's IO-Link solution allows premier integration with programming inside Studio 5000 software.

Key takeaways include the functionality and benefits of IO-Link and Rockwell's IO-Link Masters, the types of transmission, the options for IO-Link Masters, and the features of Rockwell's IO-Link solution.