Servo Motors

Where can I find drawings of servo motors?

How to locate servo motor dimensional 2D and 3D drawings.

For dimensional 2D drawings:

Step 1. open the Kinetix Rotary Motion manual. knx-td001.

Step 2. type the first 7 characters of the motor part number in the pdf search box and search the document for the 2D drawings. 


For 3D files for inserting into 3D models:

1. go to Rockwell Automation's webpage here

2. click the little search icon.

search icon on rockwell homepage

3. then type in the part number of the motor you need drawings for and click the search icon again.

search image

4. click "configure" on the result

configure selection

5. Accept the configuration:

accept configuration


6. Then select "drawings"

select drawings

7. Then select "click here to download drawings"

download drawings

8. Then download the drawing in whatever format you desire.

download drawing format