
IO Setup, Diagnostics, & Replacement Guardlogix Part 4

In the final video of the GuardLogix Basic Series, Eric Hanley, an Automation Specialist with ES&E, reviews the GuardLogix safety I/O setup, diagnostics, and replacement.

The last video of the series is a tutorial on the setup, diagnostics, and replacement of guard logic safety i/o. He also briefly overviews simple i/o wiring examples and how they translate into code. The video highlights Rockwell's expanded line of safety i/o cards, which now includes Control Logix, Compact Logix, and Flex 5000 i/o modules. These new product lines offer increased capabilities and add-on profiles that provide per-channel diagnostic information without explicit messaging. Eric also explains the additional configuration requirements when adding i/o modules to the controller project, including correctly setting up the safety Network and safety signature. He discusses the unique configuration signature of each module, which is based on the specific Hardware, and the need to ensure the proper controller owns the module. Watch the whole video to learn more!

In case you missed part 1 of the series, click here to go back and watch it!