Visualization / SCADA

Program Editors and Trending Capabilities within Studio 5000 Logix Part 6

In part 6 of the Studio 5000 Basics series, Eric reviews the software's four programming editors and trending capabilities.

Part 6 of the series reviews the four programming editors and the trending capability within the software. The first editor discussed is the ladder editor, which is the most common and resembles relay electrical drawings. The function block editor is the next one, which is more object-oriented and useful for instructions that don't exist on the ladder. The structured text editor, resembling C++ or JavaScript, is becoming more common and has pre-built code snippets. The final editor is the sequential function chart editor, which creates a flow diagram with steps, actions, and transition conditions. The video also discusses the trending capability within Studio 5000, which allows users to graphically see atomic data types and sample tags for debugging purposes.