The Kinetix 5500 Drive is available with Integrated Safety

The Kinetix 5500 Drive is available with Integrated SafetyIntroducing the Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive ERS2 option that provides Integrated Safety over EtherNet/IP.


With an integrated safety drive, the safety signal travels through the EtherNet/IP network cable instead of being hard-wired from the drive to the controller. You can change configurations for any of the drives on the network without having to change the wiring. It can all be done with Studio 5000 Logix Designer and your controller through the use of the EtherNet/IP network.


  • Perform SIL3 Ple Safe Torque Off safety functions over EtherNet/IP connection
  • Decrease wiring of the safety circuit
  • Lessen the number of components required
  • Validate your safety system through code reuse
  • Reduce cabinet space requirements

Note: Use of this Integrated STO feature only works with a GaurdLogix Processor

Be sure to order the ERS2 option to get this integrated safety option.


Click the link below to learn more or to speak to an Automation Specialist.

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