Craft Skills - Basic Electrical Concepts

Course Number - EMS100

Course Number - EMS100

Available classes
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Course Purpose

This course provides information on the basic concepts of direct current (DC) electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, basic circuit concepts, and measurement of electrical quantities and associated numerical concepts, Ohm's Law, practical circuits, electromagnetism, and electrical measurements. There are hands-on exercises for device operation and simple circuit construction and analysis.


You will then be presented with a systematic strategy for diagnosing and troubleshooting a variety of common system errors:

  • Identify the types of electrical energy.
  • Discuss the composition of the atom and its relation to an electrical charge.
  • Explain the characteristics of current, voltage, and resistance.
  • Explain Kirchhoff's Current Law and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law.
  • Calculate the equivalent resistance of series and parallel resistive circuits.
  • Calculate DC circuit parameters using Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Current Law, and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law.
  • Describe the characteristics of capacitors and capacitance.
  • Describe the characteristics of inductors and inductance.
  • Describe the construction and operation of a simple AC generator.
  • Define inductive reactance.
  • Calculate the inductive reactance of a simple AC circuit.
  • Define capacitive reactance.
  • Calculate the capacitive reactance of a simple AC circuit.
  • Define impedance.
  • Describe the relationship between apparent, true, and reactive power.
  • Define power factor as it relates to true power and apparent power.

Who Should Attend

  • I&C technicians
  • Electricians
  • Electrical Technicians


To successfully complete this course, the following prerequisites are required: None.


Technology Requirements

All technology is provided for student use in the classroom by Rockwell Automation. It is not necessary for students to bring any technology with them when attending this course.


Student Materials

To enhance and facilitate your learning experience, the following materials are provided as part of the course package.

  • Student Manual - Contains the key concepts, definitions, and examples presented in the course and includes the hands-on exercises.
  • Lab Book - Includes the hands-on exercises.

Hands-On Practice

Throughout this course, you will be able to practice the skills you have learned through various hands-on exercises. These exercises focus on the skills introduced in each lesson. You will also be able to combine and practice groups of key skills by completing multiple integrated practices during the course.


Next Learning Level

Once you have mastered the skills covered in this course, you may want to attend specific training, such as:

  • Motor Theory

Course Length

This is a five-day course.

Course Times

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM


Course Agenda

Day 1

  • Distinguishing Conductors AndInsulators
  • Observing Electrical SafetyPrecautions
  • Defining ElectromotiveForce/Voltage
  • Explaining Current Flow
  • Describing the Properties of Resistance

Day 2

  • Constructing Series Circuits
  • Constructing Parallel Circuits
  • Defining Basic Electrical Laws
  • Constructing Resistive Circuits

Day 3

  • Generating Sine Waves
  • Defining Frequency, Period AndWavelength
  • Calculating Sine Wave VoltageAnd Current Values
  • Observing AC Phase Relationships

Day 4

  • Calculating Resistance In ACCircuits
  • Using Inductance In AC Circuits
  • Using Capacitance In AC Circuits

Day 5

  • Calculating Power In AC Circuits
  • Review
  • Written Exam