Safety - GuardLogix Application Development and Troubleshooting
Course Number - SAF-LOG104
Course Number - SAF-LOG104
Available classes
More classes may become available
Course Purpose
Upon completing this course, you can create a Studio 5000 Logix Designer project for a GuardLogix system and troubleshoot a previously operational GuardLogix system.
You will have the opportunity to develop and practice these skills by:
- Learning GuardLogix concepts and terminology
- Creating and configuring a GuardLogix project
- Adding and configuring CompactBlock™ Guard I/O™ and
- POINT Guard I/O™ safety modules
- Generating Safety Signatures and locking/unlocking a GuardLogix controller
- Programming safety instructions
- Troubleshooting a GuardLogix project
Who Should Attend
This course is intended for individuals who must create, monitor, and troubleshoot Studio 5000 Logix Designer projects and hardware for GuardLogix systems.
To successfully complete this course, the following prerequisites are required:
- Understanding of international machine safety standards
- Verified completion of either of the following courses: Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 3: Project Development (Course Number CCP143)
- Accelerated Logix 5000 Programmer Certificate Course Level 1 (Course Number CCP250)
Technology Requirements
All technology is provided for student use in the classroom by Rockwell Automation. It is not necessary for students to bring any technology with them when attending this course.
Student Materials
To enhance and facilitate the student's learning experiences, the following materials are provided as part of the course package:
- Student Manual - Includes the key concepts, definitions, examples, and activities presented in this course
- Lab Book - Provides learning activities and hands-on practice. Solutions are included after each exercise for immediate feedback.
- Studio 5000 Logix Designer and Logix5000 Procedures Guide - Provides step-by-step instructions for tasks that are common to all Logix 5000 hardware platforms. Following this job aid's procedures, you can immediately apply what you learn to your work.
Hands-On Practice
Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to practice skills you have learned through a variety of hands-on exercises:
- Exercises focus on the skills introduced in each lesson.
- Exercises are performed on a GuardLogix workstation.
Course Length
This is a three-day course.
Course Times
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Course Agenda
Day 1
- Identifying GuardLogix Controller Functionality
- Identifying GuardLogix System Hardware Components
- Configuring GuardLogix Controller Properties and Safety Options
- Configuring Guard I/O Safety Modules for a GuardLogix Project
- Downloading and Uploading a GuardLogix Project
Day 2
- Producing and Consuming GuardLogix Safety Data Over an EtherNet/IP Network and Mapping Safety Tags
- Programming a Dual Channel Input Stop Instruction
- Programming a Dual Channel Input Stop with Test and Mute Instruction
- Programming Sensor Muting Instructions
- Programming a Configurable Redundant Output Instruction
- Programming a Five Position Mode Selector Instruction
- Programming a Safety Mat Instruction
Day 3
- Troubleshooting GuardLogix Controller Problems
- Troubleshooting and Replacing Guard I/O Safety Modules
- Integrated Practice: Programming Safety Instructions
- Integrated Practice: Troubleshooting GuardLogix System Components